Choose OpenText Data Protector for flexible, powerful, enterprise-level protection View Online
Open Text
Data Protector
Good information management, governance, and protection depend on how data is securely stored and managed. Choosing the right backup technology is crucial.

Hurry—don’t miss this opportunity to learn about Data Protector 24.1

There’s still time to register to join Ulrich Wallscheid for a briefing on how the OpenText™ Data Protector™ 24.1 release:
  • Expands security improvements.
  • Enhances storage infrastructure support.
  • Offers exciting new application integrations.
Be sure to attend this informative, technical session on why OpenText Data Protector is your best choice for flexible, powerful, enterprise-level protection.
What’s new in Data Protector 24.1
February 15, 2024
8:00 a.m. PST | 11:00 a.m. EST
We look forward to seeing you there.
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