C. Custom blocks i) Card Attributes
This custom allows users to put all content types into the mail template in a desired layout. User must have “Previewer” permission granted at least to be able to drag contents to the template.
Property | Description |
Update content | Allow user to update/change the content to put into the mail template |
Body URL | This will be auto generated right after user adding the content to template. User can edit the link to other. '- BodyURL = URL redirects user to the content detail page |
Footer URL | This will be auto generated right after user adding the content to template. User can edit the link to other. FooterURL = URL redirect user to follow the main stack of the domain |
Theme | Display card in darkmode/lightmode Default= darkmode |
Update eye catcher | Allow user to add/update eye catcher shown on the card in template |
Background color | Set eyeCatcher background color |
Text color | Set text of eyeCatcher color |
Text | Set text of eyeCatcher |
The steps are quite easy to follow:
1. Drag a card block to the template
2. Click on “Select content” button
3. In the “content” page, search for contents to put to the template
4. Select the content
5. If after putting content to template, you don’t want it at all, you can delete it or edit by selecting other content
6. We can add eye catcher on the selected card and modify it as our expectation