Release Notes
March 11, 2024
Enhancement on Email Template and bug fixes
All our recent updates - from new features to enhancements, bug fixes.
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Improvements 💪
    1. New component "layer" droplist is added to the email template in case of layer card which is allow user to select which layer to diplay on the template.
    2. Default padding between two columns of card to 32px and each cards edge to 16px.
    3. Default Email Width is 700px, and other options added: 652px, 676px, 700px.
    4. "Updated Date" is modified for the RSS contents if its updated date is published in RSS resource.

    Bug fixes 🐛
      1. Bug fix for layer background images after force-resetting the layer template
      2. Bug fix for duplicate stacks shown extension side bar.
      Need support
      Feel free to email us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. We’ll be happy to resolve your issues.