Landing page integration Guideline
Step-by-Step Integration Process
1. Receive the Embed Code
  • What to do: Our team will provide you with the embed code for the widget.
  • Where to place it: Add the provided code snippet to the appropriate section of your website to make the landing page span the full width of the container.
  • Helpful Tip: Ensure the code is added exactly as provided to avoid integration errors.
Copy and paste the code snippet into your website's HTML code. 

This document assumes the user already has the embed code taken from the plugilo platform or was received by any other means.

Usually, the embed code will look like this:

<iframe data-pwid="psw2" frameborder="0" style="border: none !important; width: 0 !important; height: 0 !important;" data-kit="mmrai" data-widget="9ash3" data-id="544090f3-2800-489e-bdaa-6d69ad70de48"></iframe>

<script src="//" async></script>

The embed code has two components: 

 1. The container element for the generated markup that will be embedded in the page.

 2. Reference to the javascript code implementing the plugilo plugin code. 

Security Guidelines
Here are some important security guidelines to follow when using plugilo Secure Widgets:
1. Use HTTPS
Make sure your website is served over HTTPS. This ensures that any data transmitted between the browser and server is encrypted and cannot be intercepted by third parties.
2. Use the Latest Version of the Widget Code
Make sure to always use the latest version of the widget code provided by plugilo. New versions may include security patches and bug fixes, so staying up-to-date is important.
Safety CSS
When using plugilo's widget content, it will be wrapped in an iframe that isolates it from the parent page's DOM. This separation creates a separate DOM, meaning that any CSS applied to the widget will not load onto the parent page and vice versa. Therefore, there is no possibility of CSS conflicts between the widget and the parent page which can often occur when widgets are embedded directly into the HTML of a page. 

In summary, by isolating the widget's content inside the iframe, plugilo ensures that it won't impact the parent page and eliminates the risk of presentation issues caused by conflicting stylesheets.
Responsive handling
At plugilo, we do support responsive environments. During widget setup on the platform, we offer a configuration option where the absolute width and height of the widget can be specified. Typically, these values will be provided by the 3rd party website owner. 
By following these guidelines, you can ensure the security of your website when using plugilo plug-it service. If you have any questions or concerns about using the widgets, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.